
28. January 2019 / Webinar on February 14th – Introduction to DNA-Analysis

With claims made like „organic“ or “GMO-free“, DNA-analyses become even more relevant, also for cotton related business. On February, 14th the Bremen Cotton Exchange will offer a webinar that will introduce basic knowledge about DNA-analysis. Dr. Lothar Kruse, Director of Impetus Bioscience, is going to explain the various steps of analyzing genetic material. Dr Lothar Kruse, Director of Impetus Bioscience, is going to explain the various steps of analyzing genetic material. The webinar imparts an introduction to the organization of DNA in organisms, their extraction as well as duplication for the analysis. While analyzing the DNA in raw cotton is hardly generating problems, detecting and quantifying genetically modified organisms in processed textiles is limited to a certain degree: Procedures of refinement, finishing and dyeing destroy DNA. Therefore, practices verifying the own measurement and the validity of results are of essential importance.

The webinar is part of the ongoing project of the Bremen Cotton Exchange and Impetus Bioscience ‘Blockchain for GMO mediation in organic cotton’.

Date and Time: February 14th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Language: English.

If you are interested, please register at:

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