Sometimes exceptional situations requireexceptional measures.
We are now facing this challenge here in Bremenon the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, whichwas to take place from 25 to 27 March. The coronavirus has been keeping theworld on tenterhooks for some weeks now and, as you may have heard in the news,has also arrived in Germany and Bremen. As the organiser of an internationalconference, we have been forced to make a decision and it was by no means easyfor us.
Due to the prevailing global threat fromCovid-19, we will postpone the 35th International Cotton ConferenceBremen for one year.
The World Health Authority (WHO), as well asthe European and German health authorities are advising of significant healthrisks from transmission of the coronavirus. According to the Federal ForeignOffice, data on the new virus is currently still limited, which makes riskassessment even more difficult.
The International Cotton Conference Bremen hasan exceptionally good reputation. The high standard of the lectures, theintensive panel discussions and the active networking inside and outside theTown Hall – none of this would have been possible against the backdrop of thecurrent virus problem.
However, it is our wish to organise asuccessful Cotton Conference for each participant. We want to live our “Passionfor Cotton” freely. We want to offer our speakers an audience that hastravelled to Bremen from all over the world without hesitation and in the usualnumber. Our top-class lectures deserve a correspondingly high level ofattention that would not have been possible in the current environment.
We would like to offer our guests from all overthe world a relaxed atmosphere in which people can discuss, learn and celebratewith a clear head and without the threat of a virus.
In total,participants from more than 40 nations travel to Bremen for the Cotton Conference.In addition to the main conference, there are numerous side events. Many of ourguests and conference participants are currently unsettled by the many negativereports. In the context of their responsibility, the organisers, the BremenCotton Exchange and the Fibre Institute Bremen, take the risks and concerns ofall participants extremely seriously and would like to ensure planningreliability given the situation.
The 35thInternational Cotton Conference Bremen with the motto “Passion for Cotton” willnow take place from 17 to 19 March 2021.
Wesincerely hope that you will share our assessment of the situation and will bethere again in a year to shape our conference with us.
Thank you for your understanding!
Jens D. Lukaczik (President) Prof Axel S. Herrmann (Director)
On behalf of the Board of the Fibre Institute Bremen
Bremen Cotton Exchange