
19. January 2021 / Alberto Paccanelli: European Textile industry against COVID-19

How has the textile industry in Europe helped to fight COVID-19?

Alberto Paccanelli, President of Euratex, Brussels, Belgium

“The European textile and clothing industry showed great solidarity during the crisis provoked by COVID-19. Over 1000 companies immediately reconverted their sites to produce protective masks, and, during peak months, they were able to manufacture 60 million masks. In Germany, for example, 1 out of 2 companies reconverted its production and, in a small country like Finland, 56 companies produced and are still producing around 700 000 units daily.

EURATEX also helped companies to find the needed raw materials, know-how and elements needed to reconvert production. It developed an online match-making tool: those with testing capacities were able to meet companies in need of it and those with raw materials to find partners.

The engagement of companies and their employees in the past months is admirable and undeniable. It is now time for governments to safeguard the industry by taking the appropriate measures.”

Statement from the year-end-issue 2020 of the Bremen Cotton Report 

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