
Bremen Cotton Exchange joins Covid Joint-Industry Statement

4. May 2020
In a joint statement, associations of the global textile and garment industry address their governments, stakeholders and partners in the supply chains. On the one hand, the undersigned organizations, including the Bremen Cotton Exchange,... To the article

Medium-sized Industries appeal to Re-start the Economy

30. April 2020
“The German Textile and Fashion Industry Association “textil+mode”, together with other associations of medium-sized industries, has approached the Federal Government and the Minister Presidents of the German states with concrete proposals for a restart... To the article

Covid-19: CICCA letter to the Cotton Community

28. April 2020
The 18 most important cotton associations, represented by CICCA, Committee for International Co-operation between Cotton Associations, address the cotton community and the entire textile industry with a joint message. They emphasise the core principles... To the article

What is Currently Causing Cotton Prices to Fall?

7. April 2020
Interview with Axel Trede, board member of the Bremen Cotton Exchange and Managing Director of the cotton retailer Cotton Service International . Cotton prices have been falling steadily since February. This can be seen... To the article

The Agriculture of the Future! – How Digitalisation Provides Answers for Farmers and the Environment

30. March 2020
Interview with Katharina Au, expert for Digital Solutions & Strategy at Bayer Crop Science, Germany. Agriculture is under public pressure and at the same time facing major challenges. It is all about using existing... To the article

Textil + Mode informs about Corona aid

26. March 2020
The measures to contain the Corona virus have serious effects on the German as well as the global economic development and international supply chains. On its website, the German textile and fashion association Textil... To the article

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