A two-day working meeting of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles took place in Cologne. Jürgen Janssen, Head of the Partnership Secretariat, began by presenting the Annual Report 2021 and took up some of the highlights, progress and successes of the last year. He also informed the approximately 80 participants who were present and 15 who were connected virtually about the planned activities for 2022 and the ideas for the future strategic development of the Textiles Partnership. The Bremen Cotton Exchange was represented by Elke Hortmeyer, Head of Communication.
In a total of nine workshops, the participants worked on topics of their own choice, among others on circular economy, grievance mechanisms, collective engagement in the Textiles Partnership, supply chain data and the Supply Chain Act.

Torsten Safarik, President of the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA), answered the participants‘ questions on the Supply Chain Act. He made it clear:
„We are convinced that we can only improve human rights in global supply chains by working together. We share this conviction with you, with the Textiles Partnership. […] Strong companies and strong human rights belong together. Because only companies with fair, sustainable and robust supply chains are strong companies.“
Safarik explained that key processes for implementing the due diligence approach have already been implemented at the Partnership companies and it will therefore be much easier for them to comply with the requirements of the Supply Chain Act: „They started investing in fair and sustainable supply chains earlier than others. And that investment is paying off.
Source: Partnership for Sustainable Textiles