
Change and Adjustments within the textile industry

17. February 2017
Dr. Christian P. Schindler* informs: “The textile industry has experienced constant change for about 250 years since the beginning of industrialisation. In the past, the focus was on improving efficiency. New production processes were... To the article

Cotton Production: Efficient Irrigation Methods Reduce Water Consumption

16. February 2017
Cotton is produced in around 80 countries worldwide on an average of 33 million hectares, or 2.5 % of the world’s arable land. Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world,... To the article

Commerzbank: „Cotton price increase was recently driven strongly by speculations”

6. February 2017
The Commerzbank analyses the cotton price development in its newsletters on commodities of January 30 and February 2. According to this, the cotton price is currently enjoying support from an amazingly strong Chinese demand... To the article


6. December 2016
In response to the retail industry’s requirement for a better understanding of the textile chain, ICA Bremen has launched a new training course Retailer Training ‘Understanding Cotton’, which will be held on 14-15 March... To the article

EEG contribution 2017 almost twice as high as 2011 was declared reasonable from the German government

14. October 2016
With regard to a press release of the German Textile and Fashion Confederation (textil+mode) today, power operators have published the EEG contribution for 2017. The payment is going to rise to 6.88 Cent/kWh, almost... To the article

ICA Bremen: New Ugandan cotton standards

11. October 2016
New Ugandan cotton standards – Roller ginned: Grades UCON, UCOB, UCOP, UCOA, UCOM; Saw ginned: Grades UCOSA I, UCOSA II – have been adopted as the official ICA Bremen standards for Ugandan cotton. The... To the article

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