

25. January 2018
From January 9th to 11th, the Bremen Cotton Exchange held a joint presentation with the Kölner Akademie für Textilveredlung with their own booth at the leading European Trade Show of the Promotional Product Industry... To the article

Cotton – the Preferred Fibre for Sensitive Skin

5. January 2018
People with sensitive skin or a tendency to neurodermatitis are often advised when shopping to choose underwear, bedding or clothing made of 100% cotton. For who doesn’t know that feeling of buying a warm... To the article

International cotton conference 2018: What are the key issues?

7. December 2017
Inteview with Elke Hortmeyer, Bremen Cotton Exchange und Axel Drieling, Fibre Insitute Bremen: The countdown for the 34th International Cotton Conference 2018 has started. True to tradition, the Conference will take place from 21st... To the article

34th International Cotton Conference Bremen 2018 ‘Cotton Insights’ Looks to the Future Register now!

16. November 2017
Bremen, 15th November 2017: Save the Date! The countdown has started for the renowned International Cotton Conference, which will take place from 21st to 23rd March 2018 in Bremen. As its theme ‘Cotton Insights’... To the article

Sugar molecules make cotton fibres glow

2. November 2017
Filipe Natalio, a chemist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and a team of seven further researchers from science institutes in Germany and Austria has developed a process for imbuing cotton fibers... To the article

Interview with FashionUnited: How Sustainable is Cotton?

2. November 2017
In view of the publicly voiced criticism of sustainability in cotton cultivation, Elke Hortmeyer, Director of Communications and International Relations at the Bremen Cotton Exchange, explains in an interview with journalist Regina Henkel the... To the article

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