

6. March 2020
Sometimes exceptional situations require exceptional measures. We are now facing this challenge here in Bremen on the occasion of our 35th International Cotton Conference, which was to take place from 25 to 27 March.... To the article

ICA Bremen Training Courses 2020 ‘Cotton Classing and Testing’ ‘Learning about Machinery’

27. February 2020
ICA Bremen will deliver two industry leading training courses in 2020: Cotton Classing & Testing training and Learning about Machinery training. The seven-day Cotton Classing and Testing training course will take place from June... To the article

SUSTAIN 2020 in the Run-Up to the International Cotton Conference

25. February 2020
Bremen, 25 February 2020. The conference on sustainability in production, trade and consumption will take a second round: On March 24, 2020, the Weser-Kurier’s conference SUSTAIN will take place in the run-up to the... To the article

Fluorescent Cotton, Magnetic Cotton, Cotton as a Perfect Functional Textile – State of the Art of Technical Products

18. February 2020
Bremen, 17 February 2020: The International Cotton Conference Bremen takes place from 25-27 March in the Hanseatic city’s historic Town Hall on the Market Square. The conference presents trade visitors from all major continents... To the article

Cotton Conference Keynotes: Focus on Sustainability and Climate Change

11. February 2020
Passion for Cotton! 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen from 25 to 27 March 2020 Bremen, 10 February 2020. The International Cotton Conference Bremen starts on 25 March in the Hanseatic city’s historic Town Hall.... To the article

Challenge Organic Cotton without Genetic Engineering – Informative Meeting ‘Orgenic’ with remarkable response

10. February 2020
The Bremen Cotton Exchange and the Bremerhaven-based biotechnology company Impetus Bioscience cooperate in a research project on ‘Blockchain for GMO Mediation in Organic Cotton’. In this context, the Bremen Cotton Exchange hosted an informative... To the article

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