
New US Upland Standards

4. August 2022
In collaboration with the US cotton industry and representatives of the Overseas Signatories Committee of the Universal Cotton Standards Agreement, represented among others by Fritz Grobien, Vice President of the Bremen Cotton Exchange, the... To the article

Knowledge Transfer for AMD Students: Great Interest in Cotton

19. July 2022
A few weeks ago, the Bremen Cotton Exchange once again had the opportunity to inform students of the Fashion Management course at the AMD Academy of Fashion and Design, Düsseldorf, about cotton. In the... To the article

115 laboratories participate in the ICA Bremen Round Trials

19. July 2022
In the ICA Bremen Round Trials 2022-1, gravimetric trash testing methods were integrated for the first time. These methods clean out the amount of contamination and determine the weight accordingly. Previously, trash results were... To the article

ICA Bremen: ‚Cotton Classing & Testing‘

8. July 2022
The popular ICA Bremen six-day programme took place in Bremen, Germany from 10 – 17 May and was delivered by industry experts from ICA Bremen and the Bremen Fibre Institute (FIBRE). The training concentrated... To the article

Stephanie Silber Re-elected President in the Anniversary Year

30. June 2022
Bremen, 30 June 2022: The 148th Annual General Assembly of the Bremen Cotton Exchange took place on 30 June 2022, in the 150th year of the association. The Board of Directors re-elected Stephanie Silber... To the article

German Textile Partnership Recognizes U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol

30. June 2022
The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol has been approved as a standard for sustainable cotton by Siegelklarheit, an initiative of the German Federal Government. By helping consumers to better understand environmental and social labels, Siegelklarheit... To the article

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