Market Report

Bremen Cotton Market

7 Jul | Roller Coaster Ride in New York

– Reporting Period 22 June – 05 July 2023 – With weak demand, the ICE cotton futures dropped considerably below the 80-cent/lb mark at the beginning of the reporting period. However, they recovered again later. This roller coaster ride may have been brought about by the holidays in major markets like China and the...

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22 Jun | Market Once Again on the Downswing

– Reporting Period 08 – 21 June 2023 – The ICE Cotton No. 2 Futures once again experienced a slight downswing during the reporting period. However, July-futures dropped stronger than December quotes. Thus, the gap that had recently developed closed again. At the end of the reporting period, the trend even reversed, and July closed...

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8 Jun | Conditions too volatile for a solid market

 – Reporting Period 25 May – 07 June 2023 – The ICE Cotton No. 2 futures moved with a bullish trend in the last two weeks and increased by several hundred points. Only in the last few days the prices dropped slightly. A detailed look at the trading months shows that the gap between...

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26 May | Market on the upswing

 – Reporting Period 11 May – 24 May 2023 – At the beginning of the reporting period, ICE Cotton No.2 futures saw significant gains. On Friday of last week, prices reached a high near the 87 ct/lb mark, the highest since January of this year. However, at the beginning of this week, quotations lowered...

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28 Apr | Market Drops Below 80 Cents

– Reporting Period 13 April – 26 April 2023 – While the reporting period began with a slightly positive sideways movement, ICE Cotton No. 2 futures reached their highest level in more than six weeks on April 17, testing at the 85-cent mark. In the following days, the market moved steeply in the opposite...

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24 Mar | Banking Crisis Affects Futures

– Reporting Period 09 – 22 March 2023 – In the first week of the reporting period, the ICE futures Cotton No. 2 briefly fell below the 80 ct/lb mark for the first time in a long time, before recovering and immediately exceeding this level again. This was favoured by a recovery on the stock...

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10 Mar | Market Trend Remained Rather Sideways

– Reporting Period 23 Feb – 08 Mar 2023 – The ICE futures Cotton No.2 tended to move rather sideways during the two weeks of the reporting period. Towards the weekend, they rose for a short period, only to fall again in the middle of the week. However, they remained within the range of...

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23 Feb | Market Experiencing Downward Trend

Reporting Period 09 – 22 February 2023 The ICE futures Cotton No. 2 continued their sideways movement at the beginning of the reporting period but dropped significantly in the second week. Most recently, the futures recovered, but remained in the range near the 80-cent mark. Nevertheless, the rather low prices compared with recent months...

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