Market Report

Bremen Cotton Market

21 Feb | Upward Trend Comes to a Halt

– Reporting Period 07 – 20 February 2024 – The ICE Cotton No. 2 futures initially maintained their momentum from past weeks and continued to rise to almost the 95 ct/lb mark. At last, however, this high level could not be kept up. Observers have continued to attribute the comparatively high price gains primarily...

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9 Feb | Futures Continue Their Upward Trend

– Reporting Period 24 January – 06 February 2024 – Following a slight decline in cotton futures at the beginning of the reporting period, the rising trend of recent weeks continued. As a result, the ICE cotton No. 2 futures arrived at a level last seen in September 2023. However, this was not due...

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24 Jan | Market Aims for 85-Cent Mark

– Reporting Period 10 – 23 January 2024 – After a quiet turn of the year, the cotton market has gained momentum again. The ICE Cotton No. 2 futures rose more strongly, as U.S. cotton in particular is currently experiencing a surge in demand. During the reporting period, the futures increased constantly with only...

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10 Jan | Turn of the Year Under a Silent Star

– Reporting Period 20 December 2023 – 09 January 2024 – The market remained silent at the turn of the year – almost contemplatively silent. Only minor market activities with smaller purchases were registered around Christmas and until the turn of the year, in particular from China. The ICE futures Cotton No. 2 increased...

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10 Nov | Heavy Losses in the Market

– Reporting Period 25 Oct – 07 Nov 2023 – The downward trend of the ICE Cotton No. 2 futures accelerated significantly during the reporting period. The December futures dropped to 76 ct/lb, their lowest level since April this year. Market observers have been speculating about this heavy loss since no clear reasons could...

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25 Oct | Futures Lose Ground

– Reporting Period 11 – 24 October 2023 – The ICE Cotton No. 2 futures have lost ground in recent times. During the past two weeks, the futures broke away from their price range between 85 and 90 ct/lb, in which they had stayed for quite a long time, and decreased to just over...

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11 Oct | Market Declines Slightly

– Reporting Period 27 September – 10 October 2023 – The ICE Cotton No. 2 futures have more of returned to their mode of decline again. After a start on a high level close to the 90 ct/lb mark at the beginning of the reporting period, the futures recorded a downward movement once again....

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29 Sep | Market Moved Primarily Sideways

– Reporting Period 13 – 26 September 2023 – The ICE futures Cotton No. 2 primarily showed a sideways movement in the past two weeks. The futures moved within a narrow range around the 85 ct/lb mark. Due to the change from the old to the new crop, Chinas subdued economic activity and a...

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