Market Report

Bremen Cotton Market

12 Jan | Fluctuating Prices at the Turn of the Year

Reporting Period 15 December – 11 January 2023  Over the turn of the year, the ICE Cotton No. 2 futures recorded a rather fluctuating course with smaller and larger outliers. The nearest futures remained in a range between 80 and 90 ct/lb, so that it could almost be called a sideways movement. The market...

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16 Dec | Slight Downward Trend in Futures

– Reporting Period 01 – 14 December 2022 – Over the current reporting period, the ICE Cotton No.2 futures experienced a decrease, but with a slight upswing towards the end. In general, however, the indices’ trend remained bearish. Demand stayed weak, although some spinners came back to the market to meet immediate needs. The...

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2 Dec | Uncertainty Determines the Market

Reporting Period 17 – 30 November 2022 ICE Cotton No. 2 futures trended slightly downward during the reporting period. The overall rather degressive trend recorded short-lived upward movements, especially towards the end. Lately, the biggest concern in the market has been the lack of demand. This was combined with fears as to whether the...

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18 Nov | Prices on the Upswing Again

Reporting Period 03 – 16 November 2022 After the decline in the last reporting period, the ICE cotton futures again experienced a leap during the past 14 days. With the index rising, the spread between the lowest level of the last report to the peak of the current report amounted to over 1,600 points....

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5 Nov | Price Decline Continues

Reporting Period 20 Oct – 02 Nov 2022 The cotton market experienced a further decline during the reporting period. The prices showed a significant downward trend with only few breathers. At the end of the period under review, the ICE futures recovered slightly. While the December futures contract still quoted 113.29 ct/lb on 01...

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20 Oct | Market Under the Sign of the Bear

Reporting Period 06 Oct – 19 Oct 2022 ICE cotton futures were subject to a bearish trend during the reporting period, falling below the 80 ct/lb mark for the first time in a long time. The futures often moved at the trading limit in both upswing and downswing, showing a downward trend in total....

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12 Oct | Spinning Mills Are at Odds with Purchases

Reporting Period 22 Sep – 05 Oct 2022 The New York cotton futures are showing more of a downward trend during the reporting period, moving up and down in waves, though. This makes it difficult for spinners to decide on purchases. Future movements have come close to the exchange trading limit for a day...

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