Bremen Cotton Report

The Bremen Cotton Report is the newsletter of the Bremen Cotton Exchange and is sent out in German and English every 14 days by e-mail to members and subscribers.

It contains up-to-date information on cotton markets, production countries, cotton research and the textile and clothing industry, news about trade conferences and, of course, regular interviews with representatives of the industry. The Bremen Cotton Report thus provides a brief yet detailed overview of developments in the cotton and textile sector.



Are you interested in the Bremen Cotton Report with information about cotton? Then write to us at or order directly from the Cotton Shop.


Terms of Subscription

Members receive the Bremen Cotton Report free of charge. You are welcome to obtain it from us by subscription. Read a sample copy here. For non-members, the annual subscription costs 200 euros including VAT. The Report is published fortnightly – a total of 25 issues per year. Subscriptions can be cancelled at the end of each quarter by giving six weeks’ notice.


Interviews From the Cotton Report

The editorial team of the BREMEN COTTON REPORT of the Bremen Cotton Exchange regularly conducts interviews with experts from the textile supply chain under the heading “Question Time”. These interviews look at various aspects of natural fibers from both economic and scientific perspectives. The experts include merchants, agrar and financial experts, as well as biologists and chemists.

In conversation with the experts – read the interviews from the latest Cotton Reports here on our website.

The interviews reflect the opinion of the respective interviewee and do not represent the position of the Bremen Cotton Exchange as a neutral, independent institution.



With your ad in the Bremen Cotton Report, you reach the cotton industry through an established and international medium. It is therefore a good opportunity to advertise internationally. Ask for the conditions, we will be happy to make you an individual offer.


Your Contact Person for Ads

Anke Moskopp Bremer Baumwollbörse

Anke Moskopp

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